Zoom Seminars

“Race and Race” Relations in Bahá’í Perspective 🗓 🗺

The current moment in history – teeming as it is internationally with public debate on racism, “systemic”
and other – has caused many people worldwide to look for answers that appear neither straightforward
nor readily available. Doubtless, Bahá’ís could and should offer meaningful contributions, since race
unity, however conceptualized, is so central to Bahá’í social teachings. In the United States, which itself
has been so influential worldwide in the past centuries, race and race relations, are particularly thorny
questions. However, for Bahá’ís everywhere to consider themselves inherently non- or post-racial in their attitudes,
actions, and communal activities is unlikely to be accurate – for all are molded by the society in which
we live. Not only could a view that Baha’is are “beyond” race ill prepare them for the inner and outer
challenges involved, it would also hamper their preparedness to entering this important arena of public
discourse, one fraught with contention. Around the world, minorities of language, religion, race and ethnicity face pressures that favor integration at best, assimilation, marginalization, disenfranchisement, violent repression or at worst
extermination. Bahá’ís know this all too well. Regarding race, however, America’s most vital and
challenging issue, in the words of the Guardian, can they resign themselves to looking on, acting only on
a private level and watching history unfold – while they themselves are also affected and in an era where
their Supreme institution calls for social action? To prepare for action, reflection, self-examination, topic-specific deepening and some education are
needed, if the friends are to serve the cause of justice in this area. This 8–9-week online course covers a
broad array of relevant Bahá’í and non-Bahá’í sources – not only with an eye to learn about the scourge
or racism but indeed to underpin a clearer, pro-active view of why we as Bahá’í especially, at this time
especially, in this country especially must stand at the forefront of the standard of racial unity the Cause
upholds. We will therefore delve deeply such questions as key concepts, identity, communication,
history, Divine revelation, slavery, practices in the Bahá’í community, social change, and pro-active race
unity. It is a great task that could easily take a school year. There will be regular assignments between
sessions. Yet we embark on this journey not as mere recipients of knowledge but an attitude of joint
discovery and personal growth and engagement. During our online seminar-type meetings, questions
and comments are warmly welcomed. Our online week Zoom meetings will take place for 1.5 hours from
October to December 2022. Meeting days/times TBA: Saturdays at noon EST are currently being

Scheduled Zoom Seminars

Gregory Paul Meyjes

Dr. Gregory Paul Meyes is a multicultural scholar-practitioner who has practiced intercultural understanding throughout life, applying his focus on the just inclusion of cultural minority groups to formal and non-traditional adult education, community-based development, training, public information, and United-Nations sponsored development research. A true world citizen, he specializes in “intercultural justice,” in social inclusion and international conflict management.