
Crossing the dessert

Perhaps you are skeptical about capitalism and morality. Do you question the intersection of wealth and humanity? Are you doubtful about the correlation between adversity and financial success? (All good questions, in my view.) Then keep an open mind; consider an upcoming autobiography. The author is among the infinitesimal few I know of to leverage his near-astronomical wealth for the betterment of humankind — systemically, not just symbolically. His book highlights what can be achieved despite the odds, and how even life-threatening crises can fuel solidarity, humility, fulfillment, and wonderful results! Enjoy! It’s “Crossing the Desert: The Power of Embracing Life’s Difficult Journeys Hardcover – June 18, 2024” by Payam Zamani.

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Gregory Paul Meyjes

Dr. Gregory Paul Meyes is a multicultural scholar-practitioner who has practiced intercultural understanding throughout life, applying his focus on the just inclusion of cultural minority groups to formal and non-traditional adult education, community-based development, training, public information, and United-Nations sponsored development research. A true world citizen, he specializes in “intercultural justice,” in social inclusion and international conflict management.